Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Rescue me

It was a beautiful day, yesterday, so a dear friend and I went to the park to walk around the pond.  As we walked down the hill, we saw something rather different.  There was a young couple standing with a downy yellow duckling beside the water.  They were trying to get this baby to get into the pond with it's mother.  This duck would have none of it!  No sooner would they coax it into the pond, it would scurry back up to shore.  To make matters worse, no mama duck came to claim it.  A couple of hours went by, and somehow it must have imprinted on these people, because when they tried to leave, it would follow.  They ended up taking it home and feeding it oatmeal as the park worker suggested.  After that, who knows, but I know it was taken care of.  As we finished our walk, I noticed no small ducks, and one large Canadian Goose.  These wonderful people saved it's life. We are all vulnerable and need to be rescued some time in our lives.  This means we are charged with rescuing others.  Make a ripple, think about it, see what happens.

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