Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Kind people rule!

As you may know, if you read some of these blogs, I love to give attention to the people who go the extra mile to be good humans.  Lately, even with all the chaos in the world and mistreatment of so many, it seems as if I am running into so many more kind and thoughtful people than I used to.  Or, maybe I am more acutely aware of this happening.  Certainly, this blog was meant to make us all more aware of who we are and all the ways we can contribute to a better world.  I know we are making a difference because I can see and feel it. It is called the "ripple effect!"  So, thank you for making my world better.  Know this is becoming evident, and we are all to be held in gratitude for making this effort. Make a ripple, feel the love, see what happens.

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