Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

I love...

Phone tag.  Well, let me put that another way.  The "tag" part can get frustrating, but it is nice to know that when the game is "won,"  I get to actually talk to the person on the other end.  Texting, and e-mail, on the other hand are a very flat way of communicating.  We can do it quickly and quietly, but there is no emotion, or personality to it.  We can also misconstrue a text by putting an emotion into it that is hard to read. Sometimes, someone might word a message in a way that we do not get it.  My rambling point is, it is better to communicate by talking.  It seems that we do a lot less of that and I think it is NOT to our benefit.  So, go play tag with someone whose voice you haven't heard for a while.  Tell them you miss them.  Let them know the real deal.

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