Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, September 5, 2015

If it doesn't help you...

let it go.  Someone gave me that great advice some years ago.  I heard it, but wasn't really listening to her.  Does that happen to you?  I try hard to ask people if they want my advice.  Sometimes, I don't want any myself.  But, this makes a lot of sense to me now.  I am guilty of a lot of self-talk.  Most of it is not helpful.  I am learning, though that the minute I start in on myself, to stop, just for a minute. Just that disruption, seems to let me change direction.  For years, I would make up stories about how something was going to be.  That didn't help either, because, usually, the thing came true.  Now, with a lot of practice, I have turned it around and decided to have the happiness I always wanted.  I am responsible to do that, no-one else.  So lets think about what we need and want to be happy.  All that other crap can go in one ear, and out the other!

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