Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Time out!

How many times have we said that to our kids?!  What about saying it to ourselves.  And, what if when we did say time out to ourselves, we made it mean something.  I don't know about you, but once I get going, I just spin and whir until I am done.  What I am learning to do is to STOP, breathe, assess, then continue.  What a difference that makes.  We are probably unaware of the fact that once we get on this "spin," we stop breathing.  That can cause all sorts of problems, including inviting the cranky monster to join us.  So, try and give yourself a time out when you need it.  If it is good for our kids, it is certainly good for us.  C@boy's whole life is a "time out!"  He is 138 years old!

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