Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Ignoring it....

will make it go away!  Don't we wish that was true!  If all the things I have ignored in my life had gone away, I would be QUEEN OF THE WORLD!  Sadly, they have not.  If I could only go back!  Life presents us with situations, some small and some so big we can hardly see where they end.  My first thought used to be "HIDE!"  I still have those moments, but I have dear friends who ask me "HOW'S THAT WORKING FOR YOU?"  Then, I ask myself the same question.  Right now some things loom big for me.  I haven't hidden yet, I am just trying to stop, breathe, and ruminate about them.  It seems to make them have less power over me.  Then, I will take the steps to manage them, and make them into a positive thing.  It has taken me a long time to get here, one step forward, two steps back.  But if this is happening in your life, you can take my hand and we will walk through it together.  Knowing that someone else is deep in the muck, but getting out might be all we need. 

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