Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, September 12, 2015

A walk in my heart

I love to go to the movies!  I love to go with my dear friend, because we have such a great time.  We have gone to some really great ones, and some that stunk like an unhappy skunk.  Last night, we went to "A Walk in the Woods."  What a fantastic movie. I am the person who wants to laugh, cry, and learn something.  It did not disappoint.  Besides the great actors and the setting of the movie, it reminded me that sometimes the most unlikely of "friends" can be the most valuable teachers in your life.  Have I piqued your interest?  I think any one could benefit from seeing this movie, and I am going to get the book.  If our hearts need a little tweaking, this might be the movie to do it.

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