Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Monday, August 31, 2015

Become a...

Life long learner!  Tomorrow is the first day of school in these parts.  I remember the anticipation of starting that first day and I wish for all to feel that way.  Some start with dread, they don't have enough.  They might have a learning disability, they might have a crazy family who does not value education, or they might just be shy.  The good news is that there is food for those kids who have little or none.  You do have to fill out paperwork, but it is available for you.  We have been having all sorts of drives for school backpacks and supplies.  Education is one of the most valuable things a person can have.  Love is the most important!  But Love of Education just about tops it all.  As a person who spent 21 years in education and nearly that long being educated (and still going!)  I send you off with best wishes for a wonderful year.  Appreciate and celebrate your hard-working and poorly paid teachers!  They spend more hours than you can count trying to give you the finest education they can,  Believe me, it is a lot of work given the lack of supplies they themselves are given.  They have to be extremely creative to bring you all that they do.  Finally, become a life long learner.  I am one and can tell you that everyone and everything has a lesson for you if you just look. 

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