Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


small bites.  A few days ago, I started a huge project.  It is in a small room, but there is much to be done and the room is crowded, so first, I must remove a lot of clutter.  I sat down to make my list, which, as it turns out, is about as long as my arm.  ALL I REALLY WANTED TO DO WAS PAINT!!!!!!!!  As it turns out, I have to remove all the stuff to get to the walls! ;)  then, I have to wash down the walls with this liquid sandpaper because I tore off wall paper.  Of course, it has to be rinsed off and dry before I can Spackle and sand.  Luckily, I am buying the expensive one coat paint! This room is probably 6 X 6 with 6 windows in it.  I am the queen of starting big projects, getting 1/2 way through and throwing up my arms.  So I am going to use a lesson I learned when I lost a lot of weight many years ago, slow and steady, and take small bites!  This time, however, I am going to finish the meal!

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