Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

It never hurts...

to go above and beyond what your job entails.  Yes, I know that the way society is right now, we are expected to do way more in each job than usual.  This does not mean everyone does that.  But, I have a dear friend who does just that every day and yesterday, she got recognized by a customer, who told her supervisor.  Working in the food court is a lot harder than people think.  There are lots of trays that stack up.  They have to be cleaned and sorted to each different business.  Tables and chairs have to be straightened, cleaned, and returned in their order.  Spills are everywhere, wet, and dry.  They need to be cleaned up a certain way so the customers are safe.  Yesterday, in the middle of a busy lunch hour, someone made a big spill.  My friend, even though it is not necessarily her job, got the sign, and mopped up the mess,  which includes a dry mop afterward.  A customer saw how hard and efficient she worked and made sure she got credit.  We don't always get credit for our hard work.  We seldom get credit for it and hopefully, the fact that we do our best, is enough.  But the time someone thanks us is the time we remember with a smile.

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