Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Why not...

start and end your day with a few minutes of peace.  This is a habit I have developed in the last few months.  I give myself the gift of a little time in the morning to just sit and be in my happy nook with the window open and C@boy.  I drink in the peace and quiet and feel gratitude.  Then the madhouse begins.  But I know that starting this way, sets the tone for at least some smoothness within the day.  Then, when the day is over, and I am about to retire, I do the same thing.  If something has gone wrong, I try to replay it in a better scenario and forgive myself for my missteps.  We aren't perfect.  We are here just doing the best we can and being the best "us" we can be.  Then I drift off to a peaceful sleep.  Try it! I promise it will make a difference!

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