Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


your beloved pets!  C@boy is getting a little "long in the tooth."  He is starting to have days that he sleeps more and seems a little frail.  It scares me to death to think of him putting on his little angel kitty wings and flying off.  What I need to remember is all he has given me over these so many years, and what he has left for myself and my family.  What I need to do is cherish every moment he stays around and honor the fact that he chose us.  He is still running and jumping at times.  We still have our daily conversations, but I need to be acutely aware that all our time on this earth is limited and make the most of all the times that are left.  Do you have a cherished pet?  Let them know what they mean to you.

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