Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Fill your heart with love

I am taking this wonderful class.  It's main suggestion is to take your thoughts out of your head and run them through your heart.  It sounds weird, but our brains send us off in so many directions because they are run by our need to survive.  They don't have the capacity to think things through because they run on instinct.  I am talking about our basic brain that makes most of our split second decisions.  Then there is our heart.  What runs through it is love and the truth.  Hmmm... What would I rather view my life through and live my life through.  "All we need is love"  is a profound song.  Maybe we should sing it to ourselves each day when we wake up.  Lots of things will change, just with this effort.  Don't worry, I sing out of the bucket, too.  It is the thought that counts!

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