Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, August 8, 2015

A new view

Last night, my friend and I went out.  We get together a couple of times a month and play.  For a while there, we got stuck in the same old routine.  Oh, it doesn't matter what we do, because we have fun, and laugh, but, last night, we went to a completely different part of town, and ate dinner at a golf course by a lake.  It was so beautiful and serene.  We actually drove down by the lake and walked around.  It felt as if it were another world. We are fortunate to live in an area where you can get to water pretty easily.  The fact is we don't take advantage of it often.  From the feeling I have today, I will not neglect that so much anymore.  After all, the good weather only lasts so long.  I wonder what else I am missing?!?

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