Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, August 9, 2015


 lessons from the plants.  A while ago, actually, some years ago, I took some cuttings from a variegated Wandering Jew plant.  If you don't know them, they are a lovely vine with pointy, oval leaves (sometimes different shapes) that come in multi-colored leaves, plain leaves, and if you are lucky, they are furry and a beautiful deep purple.  The plants are prolific and you can cut pieces off and start new plants easily.  Well, I had taken the cuttings and put them in water and left them on a window sill.  I forgot to water them, so I took the dead pieces sadly to the garbage.  One, had survived, no water for how long.?!?  So I pulled off the dead leaves, ALL BUT ONE, and began to water it.  Guess what!  I have this nice big full plant that I can take many more cuttings off of to make MORE beautiful plants.  What all this rambling is about is that I think we forget the strength of our own spirit sometimes, and the miracles waiting within us to grow, bloom and prosper.  So gently take off the dead leaves, but look for the one that has made it through everything and nurture it.  It might just surprise you!

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