Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, July 25, 2015

When you are stuck...

ask for help.  For most of my life, when I had a problem, I tried to solve it on my own.  When I was frustrated, and really down, I would finally as for help.  What I have learned, years later, is that I am not meant to know how to climb up out of every hole.  What I know now, is that it is much easier to ask a friend to throw me a line.  What I have found is that when there are two of us, we can come up with a solution because they have been there, done that.  What I know now is that it doesn't make me LESS to ask, it makes me MORE, and it makes them MORE.  Think of the look on someone else's face when they are asked to help you.  Think of the trust they feel for your having done that. Asking someone to help you is BLESSING them.  What a great gift, for BOTH of you!

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