Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Random Thoughts

There  are things that make me smile:  the Sparkle Faerie, A 70 degree day with a breeze, Petting C@boy and hugging my loved ones, being at the ocean, caring for my plants, and smart, kind people. (These are in Random order) Then there are the NOT SO MUCH...Brash, belligerent, lying politicians, that my favorite cookies come in a TWO pack, and ONE is a serving! REALLY?! the toe fungus medicine that hurts you for the 48 weeks you are advised to use it! All commercials that have print so small you could never read it! Hint, read a different part each time it is on and you might get it.  Being stuck on Two Dots level 65, I was up to 120 and then lost it and had to start over.  MOST OF ALL, any person who is unkind or unfair for any reason. 

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