Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, July 5, 2015

What we don't know.....

might hurt us.  It is in the throes of summer.  We are experiencing terrible mid-August heat since the beginning of June.  I am NOT a fan. (I made a little joke, sort of)  The truth is, that unless a person has central air, one fan is not enough, and 6 fans are not enough!  I did learn something yesterday, that I didn't know.  My dear friend was asked to a Barbecue at 5:30 in the afternoon.  I neglected to remind her to put on sun screen, thinking it was late enough in the day not to use it. WRONG! Luckily, her friend had some and they put it on.  She still came home with a little pink on her face, but take it from me, use sunscreen until the sun goes down!  She did, however, make some good decisions.  One of them was to have just one sugary drink and then water the rest of the time.  I can remember weekends at the lake, thinking hydration consisted of a few icy drinks that were NOT water.  That is not the way to hydrate.  I, myself fell a little short on the water consumption yesterday and was rewarded with two nasty "Charley Horses" in the night.  I had forgotten just how painful those are!!!!!!  So, wear sunscreen, morning to night if you  are going out and about!  You will need to re-apply during the day.  And hydrate with Water, Water, Water!  Have a safe summer!

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