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Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Who's our "guy?"

As you may know, I am a Seattle Mariner's fan, and have been for over 20 years.  I watch other sports, too, mainly college basketball.  What I have learned over these years is that each team has to have a "guy" to be successful.  When the Mariners had Griffy, they were about the most cohesive team around.  He made sure everyone was on the same page and even made  Itchi become more of a team player.  You can look at any really successful team, and there is a "person."  Look at football teams, and really any other sport, there is someone who holds things together by making the team act like a TEAM.  This year, I really like our manager, but who is our "guy?'  "We need legitimacy in the locker room."  I don't think we will get to far without figuring this out.  JUST SAYIN!

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