Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Is it balanced?

No, I am not talking about your checking account.  I am talking about your life.  Actually, I am talking about all our lives.  Yesterday, I started my day in a beautiful meditative state.  I was thinking about the beauty of the sun on a spider web.  It was glowing in the sun and moving just slightly in the morning breeze.  I was wondering how such a tiny being could make something so beautiful, and also aid him in his quest for food. Do spiders get in a hurry?  Do they get stressed out if their webs are not perfect.  Do they eat up other spiders who get in their way?  (well, actually some of them do.)  But you get the gist of what I am saying. I think most spiders just "spide."  It made me think, again, of what it means to be in the moment and just be, because that is really all we have, now.  It seems to me that we are at our best if we do that.  Then we create something beautiful for all.

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