Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Lessons from W.W.F.

I believe a person can get a lesson from just about anything!  So when I got one from "Words" this week, I said, "O.K."  I had a bad tray, one with 5 vowels and 2 consonants.  Of course several of the vowels were the same, and as I sat shaking my head, I decided to just take a breath.  Right in front of me was a place I could put my O and my E !  Yeah!  It wasn't a high scoring word, but it was SOMETHING. I played "ODE."  Then I took a quick look at my tray before I got the new letters and found an "R."  But the die was cast.  To my dismay, I could have put that "R" on it to make "Rode!  It would have been a triple word. Hmmm, I thought, why didn't I pay better attention?!  I won't regale you with all the times I have messed up a square on "Two Dots,"  but suffice it to say, that has happened, also.  What I am trying to say is that we miss the little stuff a lot, some of it very important.  I, for one, will be paying a little more attention to the small stuff from now on, not just on my phone, either!

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