Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Friday, June 19, 2015

Potential vs Production

Potential, what a great thing to have.  And yet, if we just have potential and no "giddy up" to go with it, it just sits there like a lump of clay.  If you marry potential with production, you get success.  We all have talent, potential.  The Mariners have potential.  They have many good players.  Why, then do they fail so miserably lately?  Why are they underachieving?  The answer lies in the fact that they have not put the two together.  When they do...watch out!  No one can touch them.  They are not the only ones who fall down on this, though.  We all do. As my dear friend told me this morning, "potential means you haven't accomplished anything."  He used to be a coach, himself, so he knows first hand about these things. Thanks honey!  The point is that these two things need to go hand in hand to produce results.  Enough said.

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