Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Monday, June 1, 2015


What is big business, you say!?!  It is the "dumbing down" of America!  Recently, teachers in my state staged a walk-out.  It happened because our state refuses to fund education.  If you listen to the news at all, many inaccurate things are repeatedly reported. Or, try the commercials. If you hear something enough times, you start to believe it.  Those wily Republicans have their fingers in all these processes, including trying to break unions, and privatize everything.  If they had their way, we would all be so poor, we would spend our time just struggling to live.  Wait a minute.  That is what is happening to our ever-shrinking middle class already.  We certainly don't need health insurance, immigrants do not get to have a path to citizenship, human rights should go back to the 50's, lets see, what else?  Oh, yes, we all need to become the "worker bees!"  After all, it is just "Good Business," right?  I meant "RIGHT WING."

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