Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Monday, June 29, 2015


You have done so many good things this week, BUT, your ruling on the death drug to be used in a method of killing criminals, was not correct.  The death penalty is already unconstitutional, and to allow bad drugs which prolong and cause the inmate to suffer needlessly, is inhumane.  Killing anyone for their crimes has NEVER brought anyone back.  The cost of all the stays, and legal wrangling is prohibitive.  Let these people live out their lives having to THINK ABOUT what they have done!  Take all the money it costs to keep them on death row, and use it for someone's benefit.  You really bungled this one! If those of you who thought this was a good idea sat through one of these person's horrible experiences, I'll bet you would change your mind.

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