Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Friday, October 17, 2014

When things stack up...

take a deep breath.  Lately, my list of things to do has been lengthening.  It is so long, I can't find the end of it.  Maybe you have the same problem.  Some of it is time sensitive, some of it is the pressure I put on myself to get things done I have long put off.  What I am learning is that I can only do one thing at a time, then take a breath and give myself a pat on the back for getting it done.  Sometimes it helps me to use a colorful pen to scratch it off the list, or a smiley face as an "atta girl."  The list doesn't seem to shorten very fast, but I need to celebrate the fact that I am whittling away at it every day. Gone are the days of trying to multi-task all the time.  I will do one thing at a time and do a good job of it.  Make a ripple, be gentle with yourself, see what happens. 

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