Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, October 18, 2014

I took my own advice, thanks Cindy!

Remember the thing about the list so long...  Well, I am proud to report I actually took a big bite out of it yesterday.  I must admit, I even did part of the thing that scares me the most.  One way that made it easier, was that the people I had to talk to were ALL nice, patient, and helpful. It only takes one bad experience for me to shy away from these situations, and yesterday I was met with nothing but kindness.  I guess what I take away from this is that people are just doing their job and they might be having a bad day.  If it is my day to have my face ripped off, I can hang up or ask if they are indeed having a bad day.  So, I want to thank Cindy from PEBB for all the patience and time she spent with me, carefully answering every question. Talking to her led me to try and make some other phone calls I needed to make.  I hope her boss recognizes what a wonderful employee she is.  Being on the phone with people all day takes a special kind of person.  Make a ripple, appreciate them! see what happens.

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