Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Sometimes it's good

to stop, and do nothing.  Do you notice that some days whatever we try to do, everything seems to challenge us.  Yesterday, my lovely, wonderful printer told me to change my ink cartridge. So, being the compliant person I am (?) I changed all the ink cartridges.  Black, o k, yellow, o k, cyan, o k, but oh, that Magenta!  I tried every trick I could think of as it continuously told me there was no cartridge in Magenta.  I got really frustrated, which made matters worse and my poor printer was in jeopardy of being..... So I got up and walked away.  Turns out it was a faulty cartridge and I just had to exchange it.  My point here is to not let everyday irritants, like my computer freezing several times this morning, set us back.  I know there is a lesson in this!  Make a ripple, be patient, see what happens. 

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