Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, October 5, 2014

We are all doing the best we can...

for the moment we are in.  I sometimes wonder, "why did I do that?!"  We are a product of our society and our upbringing, or lack there of.  It seems as if judgement is my hardest thing, I am really working on that.  But, sometimes, things just pop up, and it is sort of a shock.  The good news is that we can observe ourselves and how we feel or react to our own actions.  We can slow down and ask ourselves if that is truly who we are, or who we want to be.  Change is often painful, but, it is possible to shave off those rough corners, and show our soft underbelly.  Make a ripple, check it out, see what happens.

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