Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Monday, March 30, 2015

Take a risk!

I am really good at giving advice.  I am getting better at taking it, but it hasn't been easy.  Today I took a risk.  It was something that has scared me for many years.  I listened to my gut and just jumped in.  There are lots of questions, and "what if's," but I have decided to follow through.  Could I be more vague?  Probably not, but it doesn't matter.  This is about getting out of our comfort zone, and habits to go for something new.  The more scared I feel, the more I know I am about to do something big!  So, I am scared, and excited, and expectant.  I will follow through.  Come with me on this.  Take a risk if your gut tells you to.  Lets be scared, and ALIVE, together!

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