Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Monday, March 16, 2015


Life is like the weather.  We have been having a lot of rain for the past two days.  We had so much it broke a record!  Remember how I told you about cleaning out a garden bed a few weeks ago?  Well, guess what!  It is all full of weeds again. HARRUMPH!  While the rain was needed because of our light winter, it is just another reminder of the one step forward and two steps back life sometimes takes.  So for today I will look for my mud boots while it sort of dries up, and be grateful we are not in a drought.  Then I will gingerly muck my way out and remove those pesky weeds before it rains again.  I will love the warm, fresh air and the fact that I am healthy enough to pull the weeds, yet again.  The good news is that some of the new weeds are catnip and C@boy is ecstatic!  There is always good news in the bad, somewhere!

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