Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, March 8, 2015

I have some questions.

This is so big and discouraging, I don't know where to start.  We just celebrated the 50th anniversary of the March on Selma.  This is the year of 2015, and yet our civil rights are being shaken to their very roots.  This BACKWARD MOVEMENT is being supported by our Supreme Court.  WHY?  People do things in the name of religion which segregate us from each other.  WHY?  Women are being taken back to the 60's, and treated like second class citizens.  WHY?  A police department is being all but dismantled because of despicable behavior toward people of color, yet, they have not been found guilty of murdering a young black man.  In fact, there have been many of these cases in other areas, and NOT ONE PERSON has been held accountable for any of these murders. WHY?  We have watched these tragedies unfold on video and STILL NO ACCOUNTABILITY!  WHY?  Nothing good can come from what is happening.  ALL PEOPLE need to feel safe,  all people need to be treated with dignity and respect.  THEY need to treat others THE WAY THEY WANT TO BE TREATED.  The old, rich white men are just going to continue to HATE.  What are we willing to do to change this? One way is for the goodness in us to rise up EVERYWHERE and be heard.  The darkness cannot live in all that light.

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