Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, March 22, 2015

It all makes "sence"

We are all (well most of us) wending our way out of winter and into spring.  We are going from hibernation to growth.  In hibernation, our breathing slows as do many of our bodily functions.  But now is the time to start using them all again.  Have you been out for a walk lately?  No, I am not just talking about from the car to the house or work or store, I mean stretching, deep breathing, out to the park, or woods, or neighborhood moving about.  What I have noticed on these walks is all the green, the and the almost sweetness of the air.  People are smiling, the pace is picking up.  Some of the flowers are blooming from their long winter's nap.  It is positively intoxicating.  So, if you haven't taken this precious step to wake yourself up, do it now, today.  See what happens.

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