Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Friday, March 13, 2015

If we are right with life...

anything is possible.  We all know that life is hard and sometimes we are on our own making decisions that seem o k at the time.  Or, we become desperate and just make wrong decisions that hurt other's.  What matters is that we recognize that.  I was watching Mike Tyson on a talk show yesterday.  He is a completely different person than he used to be.  Let me back up.  He is the person he always was, but he has chosen to become healthy and access all the goodness that was deep inside him.  If he can go through all the pain of growth and come out the other side, I know that all of us can do the same thing IF WE CHOOSE TO.  I applaud and appreciate all the hard work it takes anyone to come out the other side as their real and best self.

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