Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What's that saying?...

"Innocent until proven guilty."  I had no idea it had so many things attached to it. Unless you are disabled, unless you are of color, especially a young black man.  What is wrong with us?  Human life is precious period.  No-one has the right to decide whose life is precious and if they feel that way, they are certainly in the wrong business. It appals  me to think that in the year of 2014, people believe they have the right to brutalize and kill one certain person!  Sadly, they get away with it.  WHO ARE WE?  It is my fervent wish that all this protesting makes a difference, especially when video taping doesn't seem to.  Make a ripple, take a stand, see what happens.

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