Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Thursday, December 4, 2014

"L O L!"

It took me a while to find out what this really meant on a text.  As far as I was concerned, it meant "love you lots!"  It wasn't until I got an odd text from a friend that I finally got, "Laugh out loud."  I felt it wasn't as important as love you lots, but it had it's place.  When was the last time you actually laughed out loud?  I have to remind myself to do this, but it feels so good when I do, and the bonus is that it makes someone turn around and look.  We are so proper, aren't we?  To heck with that!  We need to find and appreciate the humor in life whenever or wherever we find it.  Make a ripple, laugh out loud!, see what happens. P.S. it doesn't hurt to love someone lots, either!

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