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Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Where have all the hero's gone? (A duel perspective)

It seems, these days, we might not be able to readily name our hero's. This is a sad fact because their names used to roll off our tongues when we were young. I wonder why this is?  Ken Griffy Jr. is "one of the good guys."  His numbers speak for themselves, but that is only part of the story.  He played hard, never cheated, did not seek attention as so many other "stars" have done.  He was a self-effacing all around team player.  How often do we see that anymore?  I think our world is a better place because of who he is and what he stood for.  I would like to see more people like him. Nice guys do not all finish last!

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