Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Each day

gives us the chance to start over.  Face it, it is easy to step in it.  I don't think we TRY to step in it, but we do.  That's the reason I sit every night, or when I go to bed, and look over my day.  What were the high points?  What could I have done better?  Did I hurt someone or myself?  I believe in reflection.  It is just looking at things and wiping the slate clean every day.  I know for a fact, that carrying all that dirt around day after day is not good for us emotionally, or physically.  We are, after all, flawed humans, hopefully doing the best we can at any moment.  Everyone needs to know that and act accordingly.  The last thing we need to remember is that forgiveness is for us.  Forgiving someone only means that we are letting go of it.  It does not condone their behavior.

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