Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Open the door

Sometimes we get stuck.  We find a routine that is comfortable, and just stay there.  That is easy.  Close the door, and just chill.  Then come the times when we have no choice in the matter.  This is the time when we need to open the door to new possibilities.  It is scary, and it throws us out of our comfort zone.  It makes us question who we are and what we are capable of. It can also be an exciting time, if we let it.  Getting out of our comfort zone is a good thing to do.  It puts us off balance, and makes us look at things we have been avoiding.  If we look at it the right way, it can be the magic thing that propels us into something we never expected, or something we had given up on.  That's where I am going at this point.  Wish me luck!

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