Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Take a moment

to be in the moment today.  The old saying that the present is a "present,  is true.  If we can stay in the moment and live in the moment, it is truly all we have.  I have a hard time doing this, so I am talking to myself as much as I am talking to you.  But the truth is, it is much easier, once you can do this, to live fully.  My wonderful C@boy was in the kitchen sink again this morning.  I just stood and watched him drink his water, and purr.  Then, I came in and sat in the sunshine.  The fact is that if we can stay in the moment, and be grateful, we attract more good things to us.  So, for today, and ongoing I am giving my best effort to this process.  Join me, together we can affect the energy in the world.

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