Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Who would you give a standing ovation?

I guess I should have said who or what would cause you to do this!  Think about it.  We know who "Pisses us off!!" but, lets look at the other side.  I gave many standing ovations to the POPE.  What a wonderful, kind man who is the essence of love.  I give one to MALALA.  She is the essence of humanity, standing up for the rights of young girls to learn, everywhere.  I stand for OPRAH.  Look at all the goodness she has spread and her spirit.  I stand for ELLEN, when someone can make me laugh even on my darkest day, they deserve it, and I am being reminded by C@boy of her love for cats, and I stand up for C@boy who is pushing 20 years old.  I stand up for my dear friend who is battling cancer for the second time with courage and a smile on her face.  I stand for anyone who is getting up each day trying to make a better world for all of us. I stand up for you.

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