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Friday, October 16, 2015

A Male Perspective: Mama's don't let your baby's grow up to play football

Football has become an obsession in America today, almost like a rite of passage for many young men and boys.  As a player and coach of many years, I can attest to the fact that there is NOTHING safe about football.  Football, by it's very nature is a contact sport.  However, the human body is not able to withstand the constant pounding inflicted by the game.  Back in the 'leather helmet and no face mask' days, it was actually safer.  Blocking and tackling technique emphasized use of the arms and shoulders.  With the advent of the hard shelled helmet and iron face mask, the emphasis turned toward leading with the head and using the helmet as a weapon to inflict as much damage as possible.  The results have both short and long-term debilitating injuries.  Brain damage from repeated concussions, confinement in a wheelchair, and premature death are seen.  The positives for playing (and yes, there are a few) such as teamwork and camaraderie are short term.  On the other hand, the long-term consequences will last a life time.

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