Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Give yourself

permission to be a kid today.  I know, I know, stuff to do... Well, add this in.  One of the things I used to do and still do but not as much is doodle.  I remember times staring out of the window at school and doodling at the same time.  Such a multitask er I was!  Later,  I invested in all sorts of colored pencils so that all my doodles could be colorful.  I could have made up my own coloring book!  That reminds me that they have all sorts of coloring books now for young and old.  Coloring is such a soothing thing.  My point, do some things that make you feel young and unencumbered today. We have too much other stuff that makes us have to be adults!

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