Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Monday, October 12, 2015


for help.  Let's face it, as wonderful as life can be, it can also be tragic.  As a society, we are ill-equipt to deal with some of life's more serious problems.  We are seldom taught to communicate, mostly to keep things to ourselves, and suck it up.  I don't know how that works for you, but it backfires EVERY TIME for me.  We are supposed to "GROW UP," don't whine, etc.  Guess what, that doesn't work.  Our brains don't work that way.  They suggest other things sometimes that are not in anyone's best interest.  It would be wonderful if we could learn how to handle life's difficulties at a young age.  Our society does not value this type of information, so we are kind of on our own.  If we are fortunate, we have a strong support system to lift us up and give us direction, but if we are not and feel like we have to shoulder it all on our own, then where are we?  I don't care how far down we get, we need to know that there is SOMEONE SOMEWHERE who will care enough to listen to our frustration, and hurt, and be compassionate.  It is my deepest hope/wish that we all are able to access this type of help when WE need it and BE that help when someone else does.

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