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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

"Boys to Men"

There used to be a really good R & B band with that name.  I believe that was an appropriate name for them.  I do see there is a new T.V. show on called "Super Girl."  When I was younger, I used to watch "Wonder Woman." It used to make me feel like maybe I could do anything. I may be sensitive, but I have NEVER seen a show called "Super Boy."  I wonder why?!?  To me, it is sort of a slap on the face to see a grown woman called "Super Girl."  To me a girl is someone who is 10 years old.  Yes, I know I am being a little sensitive, or at least maybe some might say so, but, think about it.  In an age when we are being led back to the 1950's in our women's rights by a bunch of "young white rich boys," there might be room for some thought on the subject.

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