Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Old Fashoned Words

Back in the day, there was a word "virtue."  Do you know what that means?  When was the last time we heard that word?  I heard it in a sentence yesterday, on one of my favorite news shows.  It was mentioned by a former Senator, John Danforth.  He was being asked what had happened to our government, why there was so much effort used to DO NOTHING,  or to keep anything from happening.  His answer was short, and to the point!  He said, back then, "Virtue was a commitment to the common good."  Do we even know about virtue any more?  Do we think about the "COMMON GOOD?"  I am still thinking about what this man said, and the look on his face that we have come so far in the wrong direction.  Maybe we ought to listen to the Democratic Debates, tonight.  Let's listen for ideas that will help us heal this chasm that has formed and find someone who has the virtues we need to continue and lead us for the common good.

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