Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, October 10, 2015

The bigger picture v.s...

the smaller picture.  We seem to always be full of ideas of how to "fix" things.  We come up with these grand schemes that seldom, if ever work.  There are too many dollars involved to change gun laws.  We are proving that.  Some years ago, a car company decided NOT to install seat belts in the back of the car.  Their reasoning, well, the seat belts cost $7 dollars and even if a certain amount of people died, or were injured, it would be cheaper not to put the seat belts in.  This is a true story!  The truth is money is always the reason things are not done.  Money is GOD!  Well, I have a thought that might alleviate our waiting on something that may never come.  It is called "PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!"  What would happen, it we all just used some of our "Personal Responsibility?"  What would happen if we looked at our own lives and assessed what we, ourselves could do to change something that is terribly wrong in a non-violent and conscience way?  What would happen if we talked to our friends about changing our own ways, about starting a ripple affect.  We can call our congress persons.  All their numbers are listed in the latest "People."   The point is, hand wringing will not work.  Waiting on the people who continue to care less will not work.  The only thing that will work is if WE dig in and do something.  If people in government will not help us, those OBSTRUCTIONISTS, lets vote them out?!!!

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