Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Monday, April 13, 2015

I wonder...

I remember as a little kid how almost everything was so cool.  I will admit, I got to go to Yellowstone, and travel a bit with camping.  I also got to see the Beatles in person at the Cow Palace in San Francisco.  Those were amazing times.  But I also remember going to the beach and finding little tiny shells in the sand and laying there just listening to the waves while the sun was shining down on me.  It is years later, and I don't have near the adventures I had when I was young, but I still find wonder in the smallest of things.  I am out in the winter, digging under the snow to find the beginning shoots of the coming crocus.  I still love to close my eyes and stand in the rain, listening to the sounds of it and taking in the smell of clean air.  I pay lots more attention to the "little" things than I used to.  It makes life interesting when it might not otherwise be.  Get small with me and enjoy the wonder of life, won't you?!

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