Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Saturday, November 8, 2014

The heart of the team

My partner in crime and I were out for our Friday nite, anything can happen, yesterday.  We decided at the last minute to go to have dinner where there is a big screen T. V. as big as the side of my house.  She had had a rather taxing week and her energy was like the dark little cloud we find ourselves under from time to time.  As we looked up, though, we saw our favorite basketball player who now plays for the NBA.  I don't like professional sports, as a rule, but this certain player was the heart of the college team we root for each year and he was good enough to be chosen to play professionally.  What we admired about this man is that he enjoyed what he did, and was a team player, while being an inspiration all at once.  He has long hair which is fun to watch as he makes his way up and down the court, but the very best thing is that he always has a smile on his face and you can tell he loves what he does.  Who is the heart of your team?  Make a ripple, find out, see what happens.

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