Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Celebrate today!

It is a beautiful sunny day.  There is no wind, and the sky is that medium blue you see in the fall.  There are no clouds.  I awoke to hear my neighbor raking between the houses.  They are all out in their yard, raking away.  Not me!  I say, "road trip!"  I am going to take my wonderful friend and go to the next state to have a yummy lunch on the lake.  The leaves and pine needles will still be here when we get back, but it is supposed to be the only sunny day in a week!  We are going to fill our pineal glands and feel the joy.  Maybe, after the great lunch settles, we might rake a while, but we will probably take a nap instead! Make a ripple for yourself today, see what happens!

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