Mission Statement

Dedicated to daily simple acts of random kindness to change the world

Monday, September 8, 2014

Quack, Quaackk

I am pretty sure this means "Thanks" in Duck!  Yesterday was a really beautiful day and so my dear friend and I went to a nearby park for a picnic lunch.  It is a wonderful park, the pond is huge and filled with domestic and wild ducks, frogs, turtles, and even some fish.  We found a bench in the shade and began to eat.  A couple walked past us with this bag of something and headed down toward the pond.  It looked different than the awful white bread some people think is food for these creatures.  You know I am curious, so I followed them.  It turns out that they had actually gone to the feed store and got duck food!  Within about 3 minutes, every duck in the entire pond and every kid in the park was gathered in a big flock.  It was so fun to see!  I told the woman how cool it was to have them do that!  She replied, "I don't even eat white bread!"  Come to think of it, neither do I!  Make a ripple,  respect our wildlife, see what happens!

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